Megan Dominescu (RO) – a visual artist based in Bucharest, Romania with a background in painting and origins in Washington, D.C. She uses various mediums in her work but has focused mainly on textiles in recent years. Her works range from large scale hand-made tapestries to embroidered interventions to textile sculptures. Megan also has started an animal (and sometimes human) clothing brand, GoodBoySecurity. Megan is a founding member at Moxa20 Studio/Gallery.
May – June
Zagreb, Croatia
As part of the residency, Megan will familiarize herself with the local art scene through visits to studios and exhibitions and will create a new artistic work related to the main themes of the project: ecology, sustainability, heritage, and textile arts. This work will be exhibited at the final exhibitions in Zagreb, Vienna, and Bucharest. In addition to the artistic work, she will also give a lecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, June 3, at 7 pm, followed by a discussion with Sven Jozić (AFAR Talk), as part of the course “Introduction to Art Theory”.
The AFAR Network project is co-funded by the European Union: ”Views and opionions expressed are however those of the autohor(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsable for them.”