Marie Maertens
Marie Maertens is an art historian by training, independent exhibition curator, art critic and journalist. She recently was the artistic director of Bordeaux Art & Design and took care of the resident artists at the Fiminco Foundation, from which the Urban Odysseys exhibition arose. In 2022, she organized the Power Flower exhibition, at 109, as part of the Nice Biennale and In this world, I’m a stranger, at Hiflow, in Geneva. In 2020, she designed the American Women, the Infinite Journey exhibition at the Patinoire Royale in Brussels, on American women artists, and in 2018, she developed The Surface of the East Coast – initiated at 109 in Nice, summer 2017 – then developed in five galleries in Manhattan and a talk at the French Embassy in New York. She regularly collaborates with the media Connaissance des arts or Projets Media, in the context of critical texts or interviews with artists, gallery owners, exhibition curators, but also videos and podcasts with visual artists or players in the art market. art. Previously, she collaborated with the magazines Art Press, Le Journal des arts, L’Officiel Art… She is also the author of texts or interviews published in various catalogues and magazines.
Maramureș Residency
The AFAR Network project is co-funded by the European Union: ”Views and opionions expressed are however those of the autohor(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsable for them.”